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Optimus UK
Optimus Group Limited (Head Office)
& Optichrome Computer Systems Limited
Maybury Road, Woking
Surrey, GU21 5HX

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 740233
Fax: +44 (0) 1483 760644
Email: optimus@optimus2020.com
Optimus España
Optichrome Computer Systems España, SAU Calle Corazon de Maria, 6 pl.3-2 - 28002 Madrid

Tel: +34 917 242 670
Fax: +34 913 717312

Avda. de la Cornisa, 3
08690 Santa Coloma De Cervello, Barcelona

Tel: +34 936 453 505
Fax: +34 936 340 994
Email: optimus@optichrome.es
Optimus Deutschland
Optimus Management Informatie Systemen B.V. Büro Deutschland
Postfach 1545
63555 Gelnhausen

Tel: +49 (0) 281 44274650
Mobil: +49 171 3017939
Email: deutschland@optimus2020.com
Optimus Italia
Servizio Informatica S.r.l. Via dell'Artigiano, 14/3
40016 Sangiorgio di Piano (Bologna)

Tel: +39 (0)51-66.34.901
Fax: +39 (0)51-66.30.106
Email: optimus@servizioinformatica.it
Optimus Australia
Optimus Management Information Systems
Pty Ltd
PO Box 1469
Queensland 4573

Tel: +61 (0) 422 210 876
Tel: +61 (0) 419 396 746
Email: optimus@optimus2020.com
Optimus Latinoamérica
Optimus 2020 Sistemas Latinoamérica SAS Transversal 21 No 98-05
Bogota D.C.

Tel: + 57 311 894 62 90
Email: latam@optimus2020.com
Optimus Nederland
Optimus Management Informatie Systemen B.V. Modemweg 37
3821 BS Amersfoort

Tel: +31 (0)33 456 94 77
Email: nederland@optimus2020.com
Optimus Africa
Optimus Management Information Systems
(Pty Ltd)
Unit 6 St. James Commercial Park
James Crescent, Midrand
South Africa

Tel: +27 (010) 035 0650
Email: optimus@optimus2020.com
Optimus Management Information Systems
(Pty Ltd)
M&P spol. s.r.o.
Janosikova 264,
010 01 Zilina

tel: ++421/41/5623621
Email: optimus@optimus2020.com
Optimus Polska
Optimus Polska Gdansk Science & Technology Park
ul. Trzy Lipy 3
80-172 Gdańsk

Tel: +48 22 350 79 75
Email: optimus@optimus2020.pl


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