Any Substrate, Any Process, Any Product – dash can manage it!

Optimus dash is the future of MIS for a fast and flexible workflow

Optimus dash is designed for Print Media companies who require a solution to satisfy the needs of today’s customers. Fast turnarounds, full campaigns or simple products, all need to be managed quickly and effectively – Optimus dash offers speed, transparency and automation to maximise the profit in each transaction.

You produce it. We manage it. Rollover for video demos

Would you like to know more about Optimus dash?

Optimus dash is a modular system as we understand that one size does not fit all. We ensure our solutions fit your specific requirements, with the added benefit of scalability for Optimus dash to grow with your business. Any substrate, any process and any product - if you produce it, Optimus dash can manage it!

For a brief description of each module download our brochure here however if you require more detailed information our office would be delighted to hear from you.

Do you need to understand more about choosing a MIS system, about applying Lean Principles or about JDF?

Our incredibly successful series of Free Guides are designed to provide essential information to assist readers in their research and investment decisions.

The first MIS Guide and JDF Guide were published over 10 years ago and have proved to be so popular we continue to revise and update as the market evolves. The Lean Guide was launched in 2010 and has proved to be a valuable resource for those readers wishing to reap the benefits of introducing Lean Principles.

Do you need a web2print solution that works seamlessly with your MIS?

Optimus Cloud is the next generation of complete online trading for you and your customers. Driving sales, reducing costs and maximising profits without re-keying or duplication of effort. Automation and transparency is at the heart of Optimus Cloud.

For a brief description of each module download our brochure here however if you require more detailed information our office would be delighted to hear from you.

Would you like your sales team to have more time to pursue sales opportunities?

Optimus Cloud Mobile is the perfect addition to Optimus dash allowing your sales team to prepare quotes and receive orders whilst away from their desk, using mobile devices including the iPad. Less time spent on administration leaving more time to pursue sales!

For a brief description of each module download our brochure here however if you require more detailed information our office would be delighted to hear from you.

Please feel free to download a file below.

Optimus 2020 Brochure Optimus dash Brochure Optimus Cloud Brochure Optimus Cloud Mobile Brochure Guides
Ultimate Guide to JDF Ultimate Guide to MIS Ultimate Guide to Lean Manufacturing